Jumat, Mei 24, 2013

The Myth

Movie : The Myth
Release Date : Hong Kong: 11 May 2005
Genre : Box Office
Cast : Jackie Chan as Jack / Meng Yi
Kim Hee-sun as Princess Ok-Soo
Tony Leung Ka-fai as William
Mallika Sherawat as Samantha
Patrick Tam as General Xu Gui
Shao Bing as Nangong Yan
Ken Lo as Dragon
Yu Rongguang as rebel general Zhao Kuang
Ken Wong as rebel general Meng Jie
Jin Song as rebel general Jin Song
Hayama Go as Tiger
Chan Sek as Cheetah
He Jun as Phoenix
Park Hyun Jin as Eagle
Choi Min-Soo as Korean general Choi
Yao Weixing as Korean general Shen
Maggie Lau as Maggie
Yuen Tak as Dasar monk
Sun Zhou as Professor Koo
Leon Head as Dr Smith
Lian Shuliang as Zhao Gao
Chen Weiguo as Li Si
Zhang Yiqun as Huhai
Lee Hok-Tung as the Xi'an museum curator
Govindan Kutty Nair Sathyanarayanan as Dasar prince
Ram Gopal Bajaj as Dasar martial arts schoolmaster
Sudhanshu Pandey as Dasar temple guard captain
Peter Spurrier as Dr Smith's researcher
Ng Kong as General Choi's aide
Jon Foo (extra) (uncredited)
Quality : DVDRip
Subtitle :Cantonese
Sinopsis  :
During the Qin Dynasty, General Meng Yi is tasked with escorting the Korean princess Ok-soo back to China to marry the Qin emperor. Along the journey, a Korean warrior attempts to seize her back but Meng Yi saves her. Ok-soo falls in love with Meng Yi and displays her affections for him openly, but Meng keeps his honour by rejecting her and successfully completing his mission. The Qin emperor becomes critically ill later and he sends Meng Yi to find the elixir of immortality, the only thing that can save his life. The guards escorting the elixir are ambushed by rebels on the orders of the treacherous prince and chancellor. Meng Yi hands over the elixir to his deputy Nangong Yan before dying in the ensuing battle. Although Nangong Yan manages to bring the elixir to the emperor, the prince and chancellor accuse him and Ok-soo of treason and force them to consume the elixir, condemning them to imprisonment in the Qin emperor's mausoleum for eternity. In the present-day, Jack, an archeologist, is the reincarnation of Meng Yi, as he often dreams about his past life. One day, his friend William invites him on a quest to find a rare material that can create a field of zero gravity. They travel to a floating tomb of a Dasar Prince in India, where Jack discovers a painting of the princess he's been seeing in his dreams. Jack also learns that in an ancient mission to Qin China, the Prince brought treasures and women, and the Emperor in exchange gifted him with one of his concubines, but reneged when the Prince chose his favorite, Ok-soo; in apology, the Prince received instead a painting of Ok-soo and the Qin Star Gem. William removes a strange black rock from a feline statue, and accidentally collapses the zero gravity field holding up the tomb, resulting in its destruction. William manages to escape but Jack leaps off a cliff and falls into a river. He loses consciousness and drifts along with the current until he is saved by an Indian girl named Samantha. Samantha brings Jack to see her uncle, a Kalaripayattu guru, who tells Jack to take the sword he found and fight with one of his students. During the fight, Jack has a recollection of a duel he had with the Dasar Prince in his past life, after which the two warriors exchanged swords. Samantha's uncle enlightens Jack about his past and future, and Jack succeeds in returning home safely and he delivers the sword to the National Museum of China as a national treasure. His action angered the leader of the secret organisation that has been funding Jack and William's treasure hunt. After extensive research, Jack and William conclude that the anti-gravity material is actually a fragment of a meteorite that fell to Earth during the Qin Dynasty. They find the exact location of the Qin emperor's mausoleum, concealed behind a waterfall. The massive tomb contains the strongest fragment of the meteorite, which is powerful enough to make the tomb become a floating palace. Jack meets Ok-soo and Nangong Yan inside the tomb and they mistake him for Meng Yi. Just then, a group of intruders led by the secret organisation's leader enters the tomb and they attempt to seize the immortality elixir, leading to an aerial fight between both them. William accidentally breaks the balance of the field after removing a piece of the meteorite and causes the tomb to collapse on itself, and dies after drowning in the mercury river. Jack escapes from the collapsing tomb, asking Ok-soo to come with him, but she refuses after realising that Jack is not Meng Yi, saying that she will wait for real Meng Yi forever because she believes that he still lives. Before the film ends, Jack is seen writing a book about his experiences, which he dedicates to William.

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